Being a mum is a juggling act, isn't it? We're constantly trying to balance a million things, from healthy lunches to bedtime battles. But one thing I'm particularly passionate about is raising my little fashionista with an eco-conscious mindset. They may love twirling in a new outfit, but I also want them to understand the impact their clothes have on the world.

So, how do we explain a complex concept like sustainable fashion to a tiny human? Here's how I, as a fellow Aussie mum navigating this journey, have been planting the seeds of eco-awareness in my own little one (and having a lot of fun along the way!).

Planting the Seed of Awareness (Ages 2-5)

Let's be honest, toddlers aren't exactly known for their grasp of abstract concepts. But that doesn't mean we can't start introducing them to the idea of sustainability early on. Here are some fun and engaging activities that spark their curiosity:

  • Story Time with a Sustainable Twist: Australian bookstores are bursting with fantastic children's books that explore themes of environmental responsibility. Look for books with colourful illustrations and catchy rhymes that talk about recycling, caring for animals, or the importance of trees. 
  • Nature Walks as Learning Adventures: Turn your daily walks into mini-eco lessons. Point out the beautiful flowers and the chirping birds, and explain how the clothes we wear can impact this amazing environment. Maybe you'll even spot some cotton plants growing—a great opportunity to chat about where their clothes come from!
  • Eco-Bingo with a Wardrobe Twist: Games are a surefire way to keep little ones engaged. Create a fun "Eco-Bingo" card with squares featuring eco-friendly materials like "organic cotton" or "recycled polyester." As you go about your day, let your child tick off the squares they find on clothing labels, including those on their own Maison Sunny outfits (because hey, sustainable fashion can be super cute too!).

Making it a Fun Family Mission (Ages 5-8)

As your child gets older, you can involve them more actively in their sustainable wardrobe journey:

  • Empowering Choices: Shopping trips can become a treasure hunt for sustainable finds! Explain the benefits of choosing clothes made from recycled materials or organic cotton, like Maison Sunny swimwear and t-shirt products. Let them explore different options and feel proud of their eco-conscious picks.
  • Second-Hand Scavenger Hunt: Thrift stores are a goldmine for unique and pre-loved treasures. Take your child on a "second-hand scavenger hunt" for hidden gems. The thrill of finding a one-of-a-kind outfit at a fraction of the price is unmatched! Plus, they'll learn about the importance of giving clothes a second life, which aligns perfectly with Maison Sunny's commitment to pieces!  fashion for little ones.
  • DIY Upcycle Party: Turn a rainy afternoon into a creative bonding experience! Gather old clothes (including those outgrown Maison Sunny pieces! ), fabric scraps, buttons, and other embellishments. Let their imaginations run wild as they transform old clothes into something brand new. Not only does it promote sustainability, but it also encourages their artistic side!
  • Swap & Share with Friends: Organise a clothing swap with your friends' kids. It's a fantastic way to refresh wardrobes, reduce waste, and add a social element to the whole sustainable fashion experience. Imagine the joy of discovering a new favourite outfit while helping the planet—a win-win for everyone!

Leading by Example (All Ages)

Kids are incredible mimics, absorbing everything we do and say. The best way to teach them about sustainability is by leading by example.

  • Conscious Shopping Journey: Involve your child in your own clothing choices. Explore brands like us that prioritise sustainable materials and ethical production practices. Explain why you're making these choices and how they benefit the environment. Perhaps you can create a "Sustainable Shopping Checklist" together, listing key factors like organic cotton or recycled materials to look for on clothing labels. This collaborative approach not only empowers them but also instills a sense of responsibility for their wardrobe choices.
  • Repair, Don't Replace: A small rip doesn't mean the end of a favourite outfit! Teach your child the value of repairing clothes instead of discarding them. I vividly remember the time my little one snagged their favourite Maison Sunny dress. With a needle and thread and a little help from me, we were able to mend it together. The joy on their faces when they could wear their "fixed" dress again was priceless!

Here's a great opportunity to turn this into a valuable learning experience. Explain how fixing clothes helps conserve resources, reduces waste going to landfills, and gives a special garment a new lease on life. This hands-on activity also fosters a sense of accomplishment and teaches them valuable life skills—who knows, maybe they'll become little sewing wizards!

  • Care for Clothes: Basic laundry care tips go a long way in extending the lifespan of clothes. Show your child how to sort their clothes, wash at lower temperatures, and hang dry when possible. This not only saves energy but also keeps their favourite Maison Sunny pieces looking their best. Let them participate in the laundry process, teaching them how to read care labels and separate delicate items. You can even make it a fun game!

By incorporating these simple yet effective practices, you're not just teaching them about sustainability but also fostering a sense of responsibility for their belongings.


Raising an eco-conscious child is a rewarding journey. By incorporating fun activities, leading by example, and fostering a sense of empowerment, you can help them understand the impact their clothes have on the world. Remember, it's never too early to plant the seeds of sustainable fashion!

Maison Sunny shares your commitment to this mission. We offer a curated selection of pre-loved and sustainable kids' clothing, perfect for little ones who love to look good and feel good about the planet they play on. So, whether you're looking for adorable outfits made with organic cotton or embarking on a second-hand treasure hunt with your child, we can be your trusted partner in this sustainable fashion adventure.

Now, are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure with your little one? Grab those eco-friendly clothes, explore the wonders of nature together, and get ready to inspire the next generation of fashion-forward environmental stewards!

  1. What are some good fabrics for sustainable kids' clothing?

Look for fabrics like organic cotton, bamboo, recycled polyester, or linen. These materials are generally gentler on the environment compared to conventional cotton and require less water or energy to produce.

  1. How can I tell if clothes are good quality for my child?

Good-quality clothes often have features like reinforced seams, strong stitching, and durable fabrics. Look for clothes that feel comfortable and well-made, ensuring they'll last through multiple washes and adventures.

  1. Are there any easy ways to get my child involved in sustainable fashion?

Absolutely! Let them help you choose clothes made from eco-friendly materials. Organise a clothing swap with friends' kids or embark on a second-hand treasure hunt at a local thrift store. Even simple tasks, like learning to sort laundry, can foster a sense of responsibility for their clothes.

  1. How can I keep my child's clothes looking newer for longer?

Washing clothes at lower temperatures and air-drying whenever possible helps preserve fabrics. Teach your child to take care of their clothes by showing them how to read care labels and handle delicate items with care.

  1. Where can I find sustainable clothes for my kids in Australia?

There are several options! Explore online retailers specialising in sustainable kids' clothing. Many local boutiques carry eco-friendly brands. And don't forget the power of pre-loved fashion! Our online Maison Sunny pre-loved collection can be a fantastic resource for finding unique and gently used clothes for your little one.

July 15, 2024 — Maison Sunny